Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

Authorities Find Evidence of Intense Bird Trafficking in Solomon Islands

Trade Records Analysis of Flora and Fauna in Commerce (TRAFFIC) just released a new study arguing that, contrary to what the people of Singapore who enjoy keeping exotic birds as pets believe, most of these animals are not in fact captive-bred, but rather illegally exported from the Solomon Islands.

More precisely, from the year 2000 and up until 2010, a staggering 54,000 birds had been declared to be captive-bred, something which allowed those who intended to sell the animals to by-pass several international trade regulations.

WWF reports that Chris R. Shepherd, one of the people who worked towards making this shocking discovery, argues that “Declaring exported birds as being captive-bred has all the hallmarks of a scam to get around international trade regulations.”

He goes on to add that “Singapore should follow Malaysia’s lead in suspending bird imports, not only from the Solomon Islands but anywhere else if there is a lack of clarity as to their legal origin.”

Apparently, TRAFFIC decided to further investigate this issue when the organization came to understand that, since Solomon Islands house no major bird breeding facilities, it would have been impossible for so many specimens to have been born and raised here with commercial purposes in mind.

To put it bluntly: the bird traders living on Solomon Islands simply lacked the resources to grow this many birds, which meant that it would have been impossible for them to legally export exotic birds in such large numbers.

Given the fact that most of the bird species that ended up being illegally traded in this manner are supposedly under the law's protection, due to the fact that they are threatened with extinction, it is no wonder that environmentalists and conservationists worldwide were appalled when they heard this piece of news.

It is our opinion that those proven to have knowingly traded endangered birds should be severely punished for their actions and therefore made to set an example for others who might be considering to do the exact same thing.

Via: Authorities Find Evidence of Intense Bird Trafficking in Solomon Islands

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