Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

Crytek Not Ruling Out Crysis 3 on Nintendo Wii U

Crytek, the developer behind the stunning Crysis first person shooter series, has revealed that it’s currently working with Nintendo on a project for the Wii U, but declined to say if its next big game, Crysis 3, will be released on the new console.

Crysis 3 was announced earlier this year and we’ve heard quite a lot of details about it, as well as seen plenty of screenshots and videos of the impressive shooter that’s going to appear in early 2013 for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.

Given the fact that the Nintendo Wii U is going to be released this year, many people have begun wondering if the visually impressive shooter is going to be appear on the platform.

Speaking with CVG, Crysis 3 Producer Mike Read did not rule out this possibility, but declined to confirm anything besides the fact that Crytek is, in fact, working with Nintendo on a project.

"I wouldn't say there's no chance," he said. "I wouldn't say no chance. I mean the Wii U still doesn't have any kind of release [date] attached to it at this point. Who knows what the future will bring with it. I can definitely say that we are working with Nintendo, and that's about all I can say on that front.”

Read went on, saying that, "I wouldn't rule it out, but there has really been no official releases associated with the Wii U yet, and given that we're releasing Crysis in an eight month time period in February of 2013, we can't play off of what their schedules are. I wouldn't rule it out, but you know, it is a possibility."

The Nintendo Wii U already has quite a few games lined up to appear for it, ranging from actual Nintendo titles, like New Super Mario Bros. U, to third-party experiences, like Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition.

Via: Crytek Not Ruling Out Crysis 3 on Nintendo Wii U

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