As expected, Chinese handset maker Huawei has just released the Ascend G300 and Y200 Android smartphones in India. Both devices are now available via leading retailers across the country for Rs 13,490 (240 USD or 200 EUR) and Rs 8,190 (145 USD or 120 EUR), respectively.
According to Huawei, the Ascend G300 is the first product of “Ascend G” Series, which means more devices will be added in the near future.
The company says this series of phones is aimed at customers who prefer stylish, feature rich multimedia phones, but cannot afford to purchase a high-end device.
However, Ascend G300 and Ascend Y200 are perfect products for customers who are looking to buy their first Android phones.
The Ascend G300 offers 4.0-inch WVGA IPS hard screen technology with anti-figure print design that supports 480 x 800 pixels resolution and 16 million colors.
Huawei Ascend Y200 is even less featured than the Ascend G300 and comes equipped with an 800 MHz CPU doubled by an Adreno 200 GPU and only 256MB of RAM. It also comes with 512MB of ROM and microSD card slot for memory expansion.
On the back, the smartphone packs a 3-megapixel photo snapper with video recording, while in the front there’s a 3.5-inch IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen display with 320 x 480 pixels resolution.
It is also worth mentioning that Huawei Ascend Y200 is the first device in the “Ascend Y” Series, aimed at youngsters.
“We are extremely delighted to launch Ascend smartphone series in Indian market. Each Huawei Ascend product is an innovative flagship model developed to meet the needs of specific consumers with Ascend D (diamond), Ascend P (platinum), Ascend G (gold), and Ascend Y (youth) categories,” said Mr. Victor Shan, president of Huawei Devices India.
Via: Huawei Ascend G300 and Ascend Y200 Go on Sale in India
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