Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

WordPress.com Introduces Magical Infinite Scrolling for All Blogs

WordPress.com is introducing a feature that is not quite revolutionary, but is hugely welcomed nonetheless, infinite scrolling. Plenty modern websites offer the feature, yet it's still surprising that so many still have you click on "next" just to continue to read something.

Of course, plenty do this to artificially inflate page view numbers, but that's another discussion.

The feature will be enabled by default on all WordPress.com blogs so you don't have to do anything to take advantage of it. WordPress has already thought of things like not being able to reach the footer - it now pops up at the bottom of the page, and other quirks so there's not much to worry about.

If you do prefer the old way of doing things though, you can visit Settings > Reading and disable the feature.

Via: WordPress.com Introduces Magical Infinite Scrolling for All Blogs

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