Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012

How Fatty Acids Improve Memory

After several years of researchers, scientists finally managed to discover the mechanisms through which omega-3 fatty acids improve memory in humans. The chemical is usually administered as fish oil capsules, which are marketed as being good for the brain. Now, experts demonstrate that to be true.

The research team behind the work, based at the University of Alberta, in Canada, published details of the research in the latest issue of the peer-reviewed scientific journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, PsychCentral reports.

“What we discovered is that memory cells in the hippocampus could communicate better with each other and better relay messages when [omega-3] levels in that region of the brain were higher. This could explain why memory improves on a high-[omega-3] diet,” says expert Yves Sauve, PhD.

The study suggests that consuming a fish-rich diet, or taking supplements, could be an easy way to keep the brain functioning as close to normal as possible, during the aging process.

Via: How Fatty Acids Improve Memory

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