Senin, 06 Agustus 2012

Remove All Baby Photos on Facebook with This Chrome Extension

Are you tired of all the baby photos invading your Facebook feed all the time? Don't want to use the "hide activity" button, visit Facebook less or get more interesting friends? Now thereĆ¢€™s a solution for you. Just like previous world-shattering revolutions like the extension that removes Justin Bieber from the web, well just "your" web unfortunately, the Unbaby Me Chrome extension is exactly what you're looking for.

Via its proprietary baby-detecting algorithms, it figures out when a photo in the Facebook News feed is of a baby and replaces it with something you might actually enjoy, like cats. The extension has several trigger words it scans for, but you can add more.

That probably sounds great to you, the caveat is that it doesn't really work all the time. Since it only does a word check, false positives and negatives are a given. If you spend some time adding some new keywords though, it could get better. It goes without saying that it only works in English, by default.

Via: Remove All Baby Photos on Facebook with This Chrome Extension

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