Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012

Mass Effect 3 Operation Overwatch Was a Success

BioWare has confirmed that last weekend’s special Operation Overwatch multiplayer event was a huge success, as players went well beyond the goals the studio had set for the community.

Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer mode has been enriched by developer BioWare since its release through special online operations, as well as plenty of downloadable content, in the form of new maps, classes, weapons, and much more, all for free.

In order to celebrate the latest add-on, Mass Effect 3: Earth, BioWare ran a special Operation Overwatch event during the weekend, in which players were tasked with completing matches alongside classes from the expansion, as well as with achieving over 800,000 successful extractions.

While these goals seemed daunting, BioWare has now confirmed that the Operation was a success, as over 1.25 million extractions took place, with 133,000 of them featuring at least one of the new characters from the DLC.

As a result, rewards have begun being sent out to players, in the form of the Victory and the Commendation equipment packs, which include ultra-rare weapons and at least one of the classes from the Earth DLC.

All of these packs need to be claimed until next week, when BioWare will announce a new multiplayer event.

Judging by the message left by the fictional Admiral Hackett, the next event will once again involve fighting the Reapers across various maps.

“The reality is, the Reapers have almost every conceivable advantage -- numbers, firepower, technology – and we make do with what we have. We strike and retreat because facing the foe head-on would be a disaster. Nowhere is this truer than at Earth,” the admiral noted in a post on the BioWare blog.

“We have started to give them a death by a thousand cuts. Take heart in this, celebrate, and relax tonight. Tomorrow morning, we will get down to business, because there’s nine hundred and ninety left to go.”

Expect to hear about the new operation next week.

Via: Mass Effect 3 Operation Overwatch Was a Success

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