Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Google Map Maker Now Available in Every Country in Africa

Google is continuing to make the most out of its Map Maker program. While more recently it's presenting it as a tool for adding small or real-time changes in countries where maps are already quite detailed, Map Maker started out as a way of creating maps for places where maps may not even exist or be decades old.

In that tradition, Google is now boasting that Map Maker is supported in every country in Africa, with the addition of Lesotho last week allowing people there, or everywhere really, to map out the country in great detail.

As an example of what can be done, Google recently switched from its own old map data to data provided by Map Maker users in both Oman and Trinidad and Tobago.

There are plenty of places in Africa that don't even have clean drinking water, let alone electricity. But one thing is for sure, as more and more people there go online they'll find the web ready for them.

Via: Google Map Maker Now Available in Every Country in Africa

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