Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Gmail Messages in Google Search Is Exactly Why the Privacy Policy Change Was Needed

Google's privacy policy change last March sure generated a lot of discussion. Well, it wasn't as much a discussion as it was a yelling competition, where those yelling were all on the same side. The evil Google is yet another of its schemes planned to violate everyone's privacy, somehow, by sharing data it already had between products it owned.

It's been a few months now and Google's "evil scheme" is yet to rear its head. On the other hand, the things for which Google needed to change the policy are already visible.

When the change was made, Google argued that it needed to be able to share data to enable better integration and cooperation between its products. In the months since, Google has been rolling out features, big and small, that make use of the new policy.

One perfect example is the addition of Gmail results to Google Search. The feature was introduced a short while back, but it's gradually rolling out. It makes it a lot easier to find stuff from your inbox without visiting Gmail first and, while it's not a crucial feature, it's something everyone is going to find useful at some point.

Via: Gmail Messages in Google Search Is Exactly Why the Privacy Policy Change Was Needed

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