Rabu, 19 September 2012

Google Sets the Coolest, Smartest and Funniest Ads Online to Do Battle

Google's Creative Sandbox tries to showcase some of the most interesting ad campaigns online and rank them based on several factors. If you're interested in advertising or just like cool ads, you should definitely check out the site.

"It’s a crowdsourced collection of global campaigns that push the boundaries of creativity and technology from across digital platforms -- a place to flash your brilliance, spark new digital ideas, inspire and be inspired," Google described the site.

"We're asking the creators to share a little detail on how they made the magic happen and the tools they used to do it, exposing us all to new ideas and new ways to improve our own work," it said.

Those involved in the advertising space are going to get the most out of it. Interesting and original campaigns are showcased and the team behind them explains, the concept, the execution and how well it did.

Users are then able to rate the campaigns as "smart," "cool" or "fun." There are 58 campaigns in there, so there's plenty to explore.

Via: Google Sets the Coolest, Smartest and Funniest Ads Online to Do Battle

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